

The area of Amarinthos, with a history that goes back centuries, along with the area of Eretria are the most interesting ,from a historical point of view, parts of the island. Many scientists locate the town of Eretria of the Mycenaean years under the modern town of Amarinthos. According to archaeological finds, a permanent settlement existed in Amarynthos during the Neolithic period (6000 – 3000 BC). During the Early Bronze Age (3000 – 2100 BC), Amarinthos was one of the most important Hellennic settlements and prehistoric harbor on the island of Evia.

Amarinthos had developed commercial relations with the Aegean islands as seen from the Cycladic objects found in the area. During the Middle Hellenic period (2000 – 1650 BC), the city had close trade relations with mainland Greece and produced wonderful examples of Minian architecture During those times, Amarynthos was one of the most important areas of Evia and its name is mentioned in historical documents of the period.

The inhabitants were not only tradesmen, but were also occupied in agriculture, animal farming, fishing and copper production.

The area was a place of worship of the goddess Artemis, who was given the nickname Amarynthia or Amarissia from the name of the city and the temple which was in the valley. The findings, which were excavated between 1987 – 1990 , are now exposed in the Museum of Eretria.

The celebration of Amarissia (in the honor of goddess Artemis) was transported to ATHMONON of ancient Athens, which is today’s Maroussi. Besides, the name Amarousion itself comes from Amarinthos which was nicknamed Amarissia. Indeed, the first modern name of the city of Athens was “Municipality of Amarissia” which evolved into “Municipality of Amaroussio.”